Interview with Ann Singleton and Yasha Maccanico
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This is the fifth post of Border Criminologies themed week on 'Borders Through Time: Commemorating Lampedusa' organised by Victoria Canning and Francesca Esposito.
How states and nations respond to people crossing borders relates strongly to policy and law as well as politics. In this interview, Victoria Canning speaks to Ann Singleton and Yasha Maccanico about the complexities of international responses to both death at (and within) borders, and how these are being addressed. Ann – a senior research fellow at the University of Bristol – has extensive experience of evidencing both border related deaths and the wider harms they causes. She talks here about the Fatal Journeys series (two of which she co-edited) and the importance of the Missing Migrants project in evidencing the extent of harm. Yasha – a journalist who has worked with Statewatch for more than twenty years – describes the ways in which borders have increasingly tightened along the Central Mediterranean and the significance of challenging Libya as a Search and Rescue zone.
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