Research Update: Tanya Golash-Boza
This is the fifteenth installment of the themed series on Border Criminologies network members. The series aims to present our members’ ongoing research, recent publications, new course modules they might be developing, grants and awards, partnerships and collaborations, and questions they have been considering or struggling with.
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Post by Tanya Golash-Boza, Professor, UC Merced, University of California.
This academic year has been a busy one for me.

With the book out, I have been working on a few articles, three of which have been accepted. My article, ‘Parallels Between Mass Incarceration and Mass Deportation: An Intersectional Analysis,’ will be out this summer in the Journal of World-Systems Research. Another article, ‘“Negative Credentials,” “Foreign-Earned” Capital, and Call Centers: Guatemalan Deportees’ Precarious Reintegration,’ just came out in Citizenship Studies. Another article, ‘Feeling Like a Citizen, Living as a Denizen: Deportees’ Sense of Belonging,’ is forthcoming in American Behavioral Scientist. I’m also very excited about an edited volume on immigration law enforcement which will be out next year with Oxford University Press, entitled Forced Out and Fenced In: Immigration Tales from the Field. This edited book is a compilation of amazing stories of people caught in the immigration law enforcement dragnet in the United States. So, keep an eye out for it.
In addition to academic writing, I’ve written a few pieces for popular media, the highlight of which was: ‘How Many Presidents Does It Take to Deport 11 Million People?,’ which was posted at TomDispatch and reposted at various outlets (e.g., The Nation, Alternet, TruthDig, TruthOut, Salon, Huffington Post, Le Monde Diplomatique, Guernica, and others).
To top it all off, the academic year ended with the fantastic news that I will be promoted to Full Professor at the University of California at Merced, effective 1 July 2016. Not bad for a year, but sets the bar kind of high for next year!
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How to cite this blog post (Harvard style):
Golash-Boza, T. (2016) Research Update: Tanya Golash-Boza. Available at: (Accessed [date]).
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