The Value of Borders
This is the eighth installment of the themed series on Border Criminologies network members. The series aims to present our members’ ongoing research, recent publications, new course modules they might be developing, grants and awards, partnerships and collaborations, and questions they have been considering or struggling with.
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Post by Lauren Martin, Lecturer, Department of Geography, Durham University.

In a forthcoming book chapter, I draw together critical approaches to the economy and recent work on the ‘illegality industry’ and the ‘migration industry’ to offer a starting point. I argue that privatization is a technology of government, one that mobilises boundaries between public and private to inscribe migration control in marketized regimes of value. This bordering process gives states and other actors opportunities to manage human mobility in new ways, and our critical gaze should track these governmental arrangements closely.
As I started this project, two ‘refugee crises’ unfolded near my two research sites: the US-Mexico border and the Italian Mediterranean. While I had been focused on new assemblages of public-private-and non-profit organizations, it quickly became clear that these crises were incredibly politicized and productive. Quickly, the US expanded family detention to a highly criticized US Customs and Border Patrol facility in Artesia, New Mexico, which is now closed, a 1,000-bed facility in Karnes City, Texas, and a 2,400 bed purpose-built facility in Dilley, Texas. For its part, Italy implemented a ‘parallel’ reception and distribution system to deal with large arrivals in Sicily and Lampedusa. In both cases, officials recognized migrants’ humanitarian needs, but also moved to contain, control, and deter those who followed. Italy and Greece are currently pioneering the EU’s hotspot system, and my future work will continue to trace the relationship between humanitarian depoliticization and the politics of value in emerging migration control practices.
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How to cite this blog post (Harvard style):
Martin, L. (2016) The Value of Borders. Available at: (Accessed [date]).
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