Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR): Government Funding and the Refugee Sector
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Guest post by Derek McGhee and Claire Bennett, Centre for Population Change, University of Southampton.

The Tried and Trusted research focused on Refugee Action’s delivery of the AVR programme (named ‘Choices’) in the UK. Refugee Action was awarded this grant in 2011 and to this date remains the only NGO that’s responsible for implementing AVR from end to end. AVR still remains a controversial issue and debates exist―within and across the refugee/asylum/migrant sector―regarding whether NGOs should be involved in the returns process at all as well as who is ‘best placed’ to provide this service. Previously, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) managed this programme in the UK and they still remain the main agency for delivering AVR across Europe.
Our interviews indicate that Refugee Action’s initial decision to be the sole agent for AVR in the UK was a time of intense internal dialogue and debate. The justifications presented to us were largely based on three main reasons:
- they understood the complex needs of their client group;
- the clients wanted them to be involved as they were a trusted, independent organisation; and
- they are willing to put the needs of their clients ahead of the government and they are willing to publically challenge the government on behalf of their clients.

“AVR has been used increasingly by detainees. This has reduced the incentive to apply for AVR in the community and has undermined one of the main reasons for operating the programme… Detainees incur significant costs for the Home Office to locate, arrest and detain: It is therefore not appropriate that they should receive the same level of assistance as an individual who has complied with the Home Office earlier in the process.”
This statement is a clear departure from previous Home Office positions and demonstrates some of the difficulties NGOs face in delivering government grants. During our interviews, Refugee Action often stated that whilst AVR in detention was problematic, it was for some “the most important work we do.” In light of the Home Office changes, Refugee Action are being forced to refocus the programme and exclude detainees despite their preference to include this group. The ability of the government to control the funds, the tendering process, policy drivers, and the impose changes to delivery suggests how the working relationship between these sectors is an intricate balancing act with complex push and pull factors.
We conclude that further discussions within academic and NGO sectors need to be had to both analyse the significance of the withdrawal of AVR from detainees as well as further exploring the contested space and unequal power dynamics between NGO agencies and the government.
To stay informed about the research as it progresses, follow us on Twitter: @CPC_Population, @DM_Soton, @BennClaire.
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How to cite this blog post (Harvard style):
McGhee D and Bennett C (2014) Assisted Voluntary Return (AVR): Government Funding and the Refugee Sector. Available at: (Accessed [date]).
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